Biographical Notes

Professor Jorge Ángel Livraga Rizzi was born in 1930 in Buenos Aires to a family of Italian origin, and obtained Italian nationality in 1975.

He studied Medicine, specializing in the Medicine of Ancient India, through the Adyar Section of the Theosophical Society in India.

He also obtained a Bachelor’s degree in History of Art and Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires.

At the same time, he received instruction from C. Jinarajadasa and N. Sri Ram, both of whom were presidents of the Worldwide Theosophical Society.

In 1957 he founded the School of Philosophy “in the classical tradition” which later became incorporated under the name of  International Organization New Acropolis .

He devoted the rest of his life to promoting this “spiritual adventure”, building it up through a major effort of teaching and research, and establishing centers, first in Europe and America, and later, from 1977, in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

He died in Madrid in 1991.

Interview with the Honorary President Delia Steinberg Guzmán